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In the Dominican Republic you can live an unforgettable sport fishing experience in the Caribbean waters. Discover an infinity of fish and beautiful landscapes in more than 1500 km of coastline available for fishing.

Whether you are a professional or amateur angler, in Punta Cana you can practice deep sea fishing, fly fishing, spearfishing and charter fishing.

Go deep into the ocean to meet the most representative fish of the island. From the famous White and Blue Marlins, to the Kingfish and competition Tuna, to the super fast Sailfish, the exotic Swordfish and the delicious Amberjack, Grouper and Mahi Mahi.

Remember to follow the current legislation when fishing. In the Dominican Republic normally only a fishing license is required. Remember that all Blue Marlins you catch must be released.

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A Guide to Deep Sea Fishing Punta Cana

Guía de pesca en alta mar en Punta Cana

La República Dominicana es una de las mejores islas del mundo, con diversas actividades recreativas. Sin embargo, cuando estés en la ciudad de Punta Cana, hay una actividad en particular que siempre debes aprovechar. ¿Qué es? Pues a pescar en alta mar en Punta ...
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Todo sobre la pesca en la República Dominicana

¿Quién no sueña con visitar la República Dominicana? Este fascinante país caribeño es una babeante amalgama de monumentos históricos y hermosas playas, y ¿cómo podemos saltarnos la mundialmente famosa cultura de los deportes acuáticos? En resumen, ¡tiene todo lo que se puede desear para ...
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Tu Guía Definitiva para la Pesca Recreativa en Punta Cana

The Coconut Coast, Punta Cana, is worldwide famous for its long stretch of white sand beaches, the variety of fish species it holds, and the crystal clear waters. Where you can hook yourself in sky diving, windsurfing, parasailing, scuba diving, snorkeling, and more, fishing ...
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